Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Best for Last

So sure, I'm the last editor to blog here but you know what they the best for last =D. No really we're all super wonderful and beyond-words excited about next year. Wink is a really revolutionary production not only for Westview, but for the whole district. Yes that means it'll be bumpy sometimes but, in the end, Neethu, Leann, and I are completely convinced, 100% positive, willing-to-bet-the-farm on the fact that this will be the best thing Westview's seen since, well, ever. Can't wait to hear from all you Winkies out there and, just like Rammy (a.k.a. Neethu) wrote, it's NEVER too early to submit!! -Beth


Tara said...

Can there be a no anime policy? pretty please with a cherry on top?

Anonymous said...

Tara Tara Tara...we can't discriminate but YOU can submit SOOOO much non-anime art that we can't help but put it in =D

Unknown said...

I very much feel like submitting a boatload of manga to piss off Tara :).

Christopher Wang said...

Why does Tara have something against manga/anime? Hmm...?